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Yep, the PDX Bad Girls were very nice. Mostly lesbian but a couple of bi- women were there too. I spent most of the time talking to a would-be script writer about her musical. Figures that I'd find the writer, eh?

Met an older woman who'd been born and raised in the Midwest. She had some interesting stories about being both a dyke and a domme in the 1970s.

It wasn't until the end of the evening that we started talking about D&S, BDSM, SM, or whatever the hell label you want to put on it. The writer asked about my story. I told her. She asked if I liked to live on the edge. Hmmmm...

...I guess I do. Though what some people call living on the edge, I call living. I've always been fascinated by the places where worlds collide; whether that's culturally, ideologically, or inside people. It's where all the interesting stuff happens.

All in all the PDX Bad Girls' munch was pretty low-key. I am looking forward to a mixed gender munch. It will be interesting to see the dynamics at work.

Y'see, people tend to read me as lesbian. And have done so since I was a teenager. While I'm totally supportive of the LGBTG communities, I know where my interests lie. I realize that human sexuality is a continuum--at any point almost anyone can find themselves involved with the unexpected. Which is a long-winded way of saying, yeah, I'm straight--but not narrow. *laugh*

I was talking with a friend today. I said that I have been taken for a lesbian more often than not. He boggled for a moment. Then he suggested that it might be my hyper-sexuality. Moi? Hyper-sexual? I don't understand. (Believe me, that ain't modesty--that's genuine puzzlement.) Are lesbians viewed as being more sexual than straight women? What a shame.

It's yet another strange period in my life. Whee!

In other news, a delightful thing happened. Yesterday morning, a very early morning (06:00, generally) regular coffee shop customer came in. She was kvetching about someone taking offense to a memo that she'd written. I said that I was an editor and proofreader and understood how difficult it is getting meaning and message clear to the reader. She asked me to look at a memo and make any suggestions. An hour later, she came back with the memo. I made some suggestions. She went back to her office. Apparently, it worked for her. Yay! She came by that afternoon asking what she owed me. I said a sincere thank you is great. (Aren't I the bee's knees? *snort*) She came back this afternoon with some lovely carnations and a little cash. Golly dang.

I got the biggest charge out of helping her. After all, ain't that what we're here for? To help each other?

Let's all sing Kumbaya now. *grin* Or not. Okay, it's left over from my Quaker high school. One tenet that's affected me is "Let your lives speak." An aphorism voiced by George Fox, a man who figured in the founding of the Society of Friends. Another one (I think it's self-authored, but who knows?) is: if I am not ashamed, no one can shame me.

I mean, really. If I am afraid of discovery, I can be coerced. If I am not afraid, coercion by fear loses its power.

I am what I am. That said, don't think for a moment that I'm all sure of myself and shit. Honeychile, I am dancin' to life's rhythm as fast and as best as I can. Dancing and hoping I don't fall flat on my face.

I'm off. Books to read. Artsy-fartsy movies to watch. Apparently I've had a surfeit of trashy and need some high-falutin' stuff to balance.

Go. Be fabulous. I strongly suspect that you are.

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