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Oh my goodness. It finally got hot here in Stumptown. According to the weather report, it hit 37C (99F) today, with a mere 28% humidity.

Sure, it was hot. Having grown up where summer was both hot and humid, it's not so bad.

Can you believe that someone had the temerity to ask me today if it was hot enough? Then he had the gall to laugh like a red-assed baboon at his wit. Pardon me, "wit". I replied that it was, indeed, hot enough for me. Held back though, didn't say, "Apparently it's broiled your noggin." I am the picture of discretion and good taste.


Got asked about my "personal relationship with god" today at work. Frankly, it's none of my co-workers' business. I'm sick to death of this cult-ish brand of crypto-Christianity that's taking over. I am not a Christian. Nor am I a Jew, a Muslim, a pagan, a heathen, nor any man-made religion--it strikes me as being incredibly presumptive to proclaim that anyone knows the mind of god.

Goodness knows that I don't believe in a god that has the manners and morality of a spoiled child. And I'll be good and damned if I'm going to believe that some self-professed person of god has some pipeline up to some mythical heaven. Claiming that the words in the bible come directly from god. Apparently, they've never really read the bible. I have. A number of times. Because there have been so many hands and voices and egos involved, to tease out a thread of truth would be the work of several lifetimes.

Frankly, I don't want, need, or desire some parental figure shaking his finger at me with the threat of damnation in order to behave morally.

I ain't saying my beliefs can, or should, be anyone else's. People should believe (or not) as they will. I will defend, with my last breath, our right to practice (or not) the religion(s) that move us. However, I will not tolerate being preached at, prayed for, or proseletyzed at for any amount of time.

I has spoken.

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