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Okay, where did we leave our fabulous heroine last Friday? Ah yes, settling in to a well-deserved night of imitating a potato, and checking the insides of her eyelids for pinholes.

Didn't happen that way. Looked for emblems for a while and stored a few. I hope that the Right Symbol will reveal itself unto me. I hopped into the shower, shaved my pate, legs, etc. (Keep reading, it may get better.) Packed a bag as D and I planned to get started on Bub first thing Saturday. I knew that I'd be going north-ish early in the wee hours. Into bed and read for a while--asleep by 12:30-01:00-ish.

A text message at 02:30: We're at J's. You should come over. It's a party. Up and dressed, into Tora Torakku with overnight bag and motorcycle manuals and up to St. John's (it's an area in North Portland). Had some lovely, laughing, conversation, then over to D's just before dawn. We fell asleep as the sun rose.

Up at noon, out for breakfast to a greasy spoon in the 'Couve (Doesn't that sound a bit dirty?) (Yay!), back to D's for Bub-work, then over to J's to help him move some more stuff from his old place to his new place. Over at his old place, I got invited to a paintball match next Sunday (yay!), back to J's, where we settled into his rumpus room.

That was nice. We watched Boondock Saints (which D'd never seen--shock, horror), ate pizza, and acted like the nerdilicious lumps of humanity that we are.

Back to D's. To sleep a little earlier, up at 10:45 to J's calling to see what we were up to. J came over to D's and we worked on cleaning Bub and checking out his gizzards and stuff.

Happily, he looks better than the guys expected. Keep your fingers crossed that I can find new wheels, or that we can repair what I've got. (Though I'm not holding onto a lot of hope for that.)

Ended up following J & D to the cycle shop where I bought a bunch of fuel line. We stopped at Dairy Queen 'cause the guys wanted ice cream. Kick-started J's bike (it only took 7 to 10 tries this time--it's getting better) and headed into Portland.

Last night was 50 cent beers after 21:00 at the Tonic. I'm looking forward to not being able to drink anything--because I'll be riding, baby! Swaggering out of {insert bar name here}, hopping onto Bub, and kicking him to life. I will think I am the coolest thing ever.

Today, as I ran around town looking for esoteric bike stuff (like Kreem gas tank prep and liner, brass Ts, a choke chain, and other bits) I ran into J (twice) and Josh, Chris and Carolyn, D called, and three of my neighbours.

Oy. Am I setting in roots or what?

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