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Ugh. Ugh. And ugh.

Spent most of this week with a dreadful cold. Of course, being part of the great working poor class, I still had to go to work. Having only 20 hours a week of work made it imperative that I keep on dragging my feverish, headachy, irritated, grumpy self to the coffee shop.


Oh well. I've been schmoozing the customers for job leads. One customer has friends in the small press publishing world. She's volunteered to pass my CV on. Here's hoping that magic happens. Also working the "I'm a proofreader" angle with anyone who'll listen. Got a couple of interested nibbles. We'll see what happens.

Still haven't heard from the bank. I did leave a "thanks and how's it going" message with the HR person that interviewed me there.

Mostly I've been sleeping and sneezing at home or at D's. He's been unwell also. Last night, as we cuddled on his sofa under a sleeping bag, I started sneezing. He started sniffling, and we both let out huge, hacking coughs. Then I laughed.

"What a mess we are," I said when I'd calmed down. D just smiled and passed me a tissue.

Tonight I'm heading up to his place. He's going to be out, so I've got full access to his television. Mindless Friday night TV. It sounds perfect. Looking forward to being woken by handsome, naked man climbing into bed. As is he, though he said that he hoped that he was the handsome, naked man. I allowed as how I'd be mighty surprised if it was anyone else.


Tomorrow promises to be filled with sleep and laughter. Mmmmmm. Sounds like a perfect Saturday to me.

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